OpenGL is the API of 3D graphic running in window system. With the powerful function in transacting interactive graphics, when used in simulation system, it can show the actual surface or performance of the 3D objects. OpenGL是窗口系统下运行的三维图形API,具有强大的交互图形处理功能,运用于仿真系统能获得真实三维图形效果。
Interactive Chinese character graphics aided programming system for NC cutting machine-tool 中文交互式线切割辅助编程软件
The 2D interactive graphics system& unicad 二维交互式图形系统&UNICAD
In the paper, an interactive third dimension graphics rendering system where we adopt several algorithms ( Z-buffer, ray tracing, radiosity) is explaned in detail. 本文主要就我们开发的交互式真实感图形渲染系统中采用的各种渲染算法(深度缓冲算法、光线跟踪和辐射度算法)作详细介绍。
The design and implementation of an interactive two-dimensional computer graphics system igs-2d 交互式二维计算机制图系统IGS-2D的设计和实现
An investigation on the 2D interactive graphics NC automatic programming system 二坐标交互式图形数控程序自动编程系统研究
The Realization of An Interactive Two-Dimensional Graphics System 交互式二维绘图系统的实现
This paper presents two dimensional interactive graphics system ( IGS), which is developed taking VAX GKS as graphics system kernel system. 在VAXGKS基础上开发出二维交互式图形系统IGS(InteractiveGraphicsSystem)。
This paper is part of the interactive computer graphics software of ICGS-80 System. 本文是交互式计算机图形软件ICGS&80系统中的组成部分。
Function and Realization of Interactive Graphics System 交互式图形系统IGS功能及实现
The paper discusses the design and implementation of the 2D interactive graphics system& UNICAD, which runs on SUN workstations. 介绍在SUN工作站上实现的二维交互式图形系统UNICAD。该图形系统包括基本图素生成;
On the basis of the research in the data structure of interactive graphics, an idea of its service program is put forward by using the theory of software tool and has been realized in the TGS-2 system and the result is satisfactory. 本文在研究交互图形数据结构特点的基础上,运用软件工具理论,提出了交互图形数据结构服务程序思想,并在TGS&2交互图形系统研制过程中实施,得到了理想的效果。
An object-oriented 3D interactive graphics animation system 交互式三维动画系统的面向对象实现
OpenGL graphics system is a software interface to access graphics hardware, through which can create interactive editable 3D graphics system. OpenGL图形系统是访问图形硬件的一种软件接口,通过OpenGL可以创建交互式的可编辑三维图形系统,制作高性能三维图形处理软件。
A microcomputer based multipicture interactive colour graphics system 微计算机控制的多画面交互式彩色图形系统
The development process as well as the core theory of distributed interactive simulation and high level architecture are discussed, and combined with graphics features, a system of real time distributed visual simulation is established. 分析了分布式交互仿真和高级体系结构技术的发展过程和核心理论,并结合图形特性建立实时分布式视景仿真系统。
IGS-2 D is an interactive two-dimensional graphics system which is implemented on the base of the basic system of IBM-PC series microcomputer. IGS-2D是以IBM-PC系列机基本系统为基础实现的一个交互式二维制图系统。
Recent advances in Graphics technology have produced a shift in focus for real time rendering application, which includes Interactive 3D graphics modeling programs, virtual reality and 3D simulation system, computer animation, games and so on. 现代图形技术的发展极大的推进了计算机实时渲染技术的应用,其主要的应用包括交互式的3D图形建模程序,虚拟现实及三维仿真系统,计算机动画,游戏等。
Compared with traditional graphical secondary development platform such as AutoCAD, Visio provides a more complex interactive design, flexible and efficient graphics operation function, which can improve system performance and applicability. 与传统的图形化二次开发平台如AutoCAD等相比,Visio能够提供更复杂的交互式特性设计,灵活高效的图形操作功能,提高系统的性能和适用性。
Combine auto graphics and interactive graphics together, and try to get data information as system bases from reading final design documents directly, which break the traditional bridge system style. 4. 将自动化绘图与交互绘图两种绘图方式进行了融合,打破了传统桥梁软件常用的系统风格,尝试直接读取路线设计的图形成果文件作为整个系统的数据基础。